Monkeys Forest Tales: Celebrating Biodiversity International Day

In today’s post we want to celebrate Biodiversity International Day by celebrating biodiversity in our field site area where fauna and flora from natural savannas, gallery forest, Mauritia flexuosa swamps and lowland relict forest meet and survive surrounded by introduced pastures, palm oil plantations and annual crops. This is an area of contrast where you can find different habitats immersed in highly transformed landscapes where cattle ranching, agriculture from small and large scale, petrol exploitation and infrastructure are all together. Despite this contrasting activities, there is a rich biodiversity still surviving in these areas of degraded habitats, including wild cats such as ocelots, jaguars and pumas as well as their preys (tapirs, collared peccaries and coatis) and other small-sized mammals such as crab-eating raccoons, tayras and small marsupials. A wide diversity of birds, butterflies, bees, frogs, snakes and ants. Giant ant-eaters and tamanduas with their high specialization to eat ants and termites. An incredible diversity of plants including several species of palms (in some forest fragments with at least 10 species) and species typical of interior and edge habitats. And of course, our main focus of study, primates with five species: red howler monkeys, black-capped capuchins, Colombian squirrel monkey, ornate titi monkey and Brumback night monkeys.This is a place where despite of centuries of transformation, native fauna ad flora shows resilience and give us hope of a better future for the planet and our own survivorship. An area with a long history and vibrant gastronomy. A place where animals, especially monkeys teach you about second opportunities, persistence and resilience. A place to celebrate biodiversity of a country where still nature is considered as something useful only if it can benefit human purposes and not just the right to be there and exist.Let’s celebrate our biodiversity resilience to face changes provoked by our activities and lack of respect for the wonderful creatures that share our planet…If you want to support our activities, please visit or get in contact with us at if you want to collaborate, donate or volunteer in our activities. You can also support our activities by buying our ornate titimonkeys stuff dolls and our new journals in Amazon© Copyright Disclaimer. All pictures used on this web page are protected with copyrights to Xyomara Carretero-Pinzón. If you want to use any of these pictures, please leave a message on the website.

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